Electric Control/Integra allows you to control the entire process line, whether from an HMI for small installations or from a PC for large process lines.
The operator interface works in conjunction with one or multiple distributed PLCs, allowing the operator to work in a simple and intuitive manner
Electric Control/Integra allows you to control the entire process line, whether from an HMI for small installations or from a PC for large process lines.
The operator interface works in conjunction with one or multiple distributed PLCs, allowing the operator to work in a simple and intuitive manner
Sienz Europe
C/Túria, 5 – Pol. Ind. Mediterráneo 46550 Albuixech, Valencia, Spain
Phone: +34 960 010 843
Sienz Latin America
Dr. Cassanello s/n – Free Zone Colonia 70000 Colonia del Sacramento, Uruguay
Phone: +598 4522 9802
Sienz USA
2401 Simpson Street, Suite B, Kingsburg, CA 93631, United States
Phone: 951-675-7386.
Sienz New Zealand
57 Mahunga Drive, Mangere Bridge
Auckland 2022, New Zealand
Phone: +64 9 215 6091